im not really sad here. i just thought that it would be funny cause everyone has smiley photos of them and their birthday cake so i thought i'd do just the opposite and pout. im 26 now. i could do anything... okay maybe not anything still- its a pretty legit age. *phew* im at the brink of my mid-20's.' entering a new year of my life, like i've always found, surprises me everytime. i know this shouldn't be the case, but since i've been in ywam, my birthdays always seem to fall on the oddest days of a transition and so "this day" hits me like a brick of emotions & insecurities and all these other funny thoughts. but then something embraces me that i can't really explain and everything ALWAYS turns out, and i sit back, look around and observe the people who i share my birthday cake with.... it not just a birthday cake. its the ones surrounding me that makes bringing in the new year so special. (but of course if i had my way, i would have my family and friends from home here). but during this week long celebration of hiking up and spending a day by the waterfall, spending an evening under the stars at a bonfire, more dinner parties, more cake, and having a 'beverages around the world' combined pub birthday party with 2 good friends of mine... i'll say that this one is pretty high up there... and it gives me no reason to pout...